

Where have you lived? What have you done? What have you survived?

Some may call it your testimony, others may call it your life path, I call it your “genius bar”. At the Apple Store, when you walk up to the genius bar, anyone at the counter can help you because they are experts in all things Apple. That is the same genius bar concept I am referring to about you! YOU ARE AN EXPERT at your life experiences because you’ve had a front row seat to the production, including a behind the scenes view.

 “Now let’s give your experience a voice & make your genius bar the platform!”

Working Together:

Working with Lady A can help you channel your life experiences into a professional speaking platform that can provide healing, clarity, and in most cases, profit. Together, we can maximize your experiences by monetizing your brand and training you as a professional speaker.

What You Will Gain From This Service:

You will learn how to:

  1. Unpack The Story On Stage = We'll go through the process of building foundation, self actualization, and strategic transparency when designing your speeches. At the same time, we will focus on building effective communication skills to clearly convey your message to your audience. Here, we will also identify your unique brand talking points.

  2. Find Your Speaking Voice = We'll explore your vocal worth and help to define personal monetization. We need to identify who you are talking to & what you are talking about. This takes a specific set of skills before you even get behind a mic!

  3. Vocal Training = Training! Training! Training! Speaking is an art and takes practice. From word placement to voice inflection, you will be taught how to command a room and take your professional speaking presentation to the next level.

  4. Sustainability = Presentation is everything. You will get asked back to engagements or get offered new ones based on your presentation. The idea is to build a sustainable public speaking brand. That goes from cold pitching to warm referrals. Let’s keep you booked!